Commemoration of the Gathering of Leaders 160 years ago

Green-Meldrim House 14 West Macon Street, Savannah, GA

The Commemoration of the Gathering of Leaders 160 Years Ago: 20 African American Ministers Met with General Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in Charles Green's Home. As a community free event, the historic house will be open for viewing from 5 to 8 p.m. Docents will be on hand to answer questions. This … Continue reading "Commemoration of the Gathering of Leaders 160 years ago"


A 19th-Century Musicale and Dance

Green-Meldrim House 14 West Macon Street, Savannah, GA

Bella Harmony will provide 19th century music. Harrison and Virginia Carter will lead the dance demonstration. Refreshments provided. Patrons are encouraged to costume; however, costumes are not necessary.


Parlor Presentations

Green-Meldrim House 14 West Macon Street, Savannah, GA

Parlor Presentation with Anna Habersham Wright Smith Earthquakes, Cranes and Parapets: Architect Leads Effort to Save John Norris's Gothic Revival Roof of Her Family Home! Call 912.233-3845 to reserve a spot. Admission is free.
